Wellness Center managers work on community health information

Family Wellness Center managers - back (l to r) Colleen Coltoniak, Delia Bove, (seated) Sarah Thornton.

Wellness Center managers
work on community health information

A dedicated staff of just three people manage the Daisy Marquis Jones Family Wellness Center. Under the direction of Carolyn Vacanti, VP of Patient Services, these women work to bring the community current health information and support groups of all kinds. Delia Bove, Colleen Coltoniak and Sarah Thornton work a variety of hours to ensure community needs are met. Classes, support groups and community outreach programs are offered continually throughout the year.

"We look at health trends at the local level, as well as nationally and strive to give a range of classes reflecting current health care trends such as our Diabetes Education Series," said Delia Bove, program coordinator. "The quality of life issue when dealing with chronic disease is so important. Being able to take some control back over your life helps to improve your overall happiness and well-being."

Bove has been a part of the Wellness Center for seven years and is currently completing her schooling as a Registered Nurse at Genesee Community College. "I can't imagine not being involved with the Wellness Center. It's a big part of my life." Bove maintains teaching certification for CPR, First Aid, Drive Safely and a variety of other programs. Health care runs in her family. Her husband, Michael, is an EMT and her daughter, Crystal, is an RN at Lakeside Memorial Hospital. Their son attends SUNY Brockport majoring in business. The Boves reside in Clarendon.

Colleen Coltoniak, RN, Health Educator, teaches many of the classes that are offered at the Family Wellness Center. Coltoniak joined the center in March of 2000 after being a practicing nurse for 22 years. "I really enjoy bringing health education to the community. So much of nursing is educating patients and this enables me to reach a greater number of people." Coltoniak develops and teaches many of the programs at various sites, including diabetes, women's health, and osteoporosis. A native of Greece, she resides there with her husband, Dan, and three children.

The nice voice on the phone when you call to register for classes is most likely the newest member, Sarah Thornton. She assists in the day to day management of programs ensuring that they run smoothly. Thornton lives in Hilton and has been with the Wellness Center since September. "Sarah's enthusiasm and professional skills make her a welcome addition to our team," says Bove.

Classes and support groups are listed in the Wellness Center web page on www.lakesidehealth.com or call 395-6044 during business hours.