Holley students "spice up" cafeteria walls

Holley sophomore Apryl Malone works on part of a three-wall mural she and 12 of her classmates just finished painting on the cafeteria walls. The students have been working on the project since January.

Holley students "spice
up" cafeteria walls

At the Holley High School cafeteria, students have more than just good food to whet their appetites. A group of 13 students from Brandy Zavitz's Drawing and Painting class have been working for several weeks on painting a mural for their cafeteria walls. The theme of the mural is, of course, food. "We studied the works of Diego Rivera, a Mexican mural painter, before we began the project, then discussed the complex art elements and design involved in painting our own mural," said Zavitz. Students worked six weeks on the design alone, which includes scenes of fruit trees and cows, a waterfall coming from a carton of milk, and a giant pizza slice, hamburger and bowl of spaghetti. Just like professional mural artists, the students then divided the walls into grids and sketched their design 20 times larger to fit the proportions of the walls.

Food Service Director Vicki Scroger came up with the idea for a cafeteria mural and is so pleased with the results that she held a reception when the mural was recently completed and provided all the students who worked on it with a special lunch.