Brockport High School Band members receive awards
At the annual Brockport High School Band Banquet, June 10 in the SUNY Brockport Ballroom, band members received individual recognition for their participation in band. The 30 graduating seniors in the band were cited for their accomplishments.
Wood Herman Award - Adam Giese and Greg McCandless
Band Booster Awards - Regan Averill, Heidi Buttermore, Maria Fox, Mike Nichols, Jeremy Jungbluth, Nicole Rister, Amber Wakley, Tiffany Williams, Katie Weinkauf
Marine Corps Award - Becky Wehner
Louis Armstrong Award - Harvey Rakoski
Color Guard Award - Jennifer Brawn, Lindsay Marasco
Jazz Ensemble Award - Will Cole
John Philip Sousa Award - Nate Emmerson
Band officers - President, Eileen Myer; Vice-President, Colleen McCall; Secretary, Sarah Frisch; Treasurer, Becky Wehner; Publicity, Amber Wakley; Uniform Managers, Nate Coons, Megan Krahe, Val Peters, Meghan Shewman, Katie Weinkauf, Tiffany Williams.
White Jazz Award - Nate Emmerson
Filomena Guereschi Award - Colleen McCall
Gina Pareschi Award - Sarah Frisch
Berton Young Award - Greg McCandless
Andy Sutton Award - Eileen Myer
Band Booster Scholarship - Tara Madsen