Outreach efforts continue

Pennies for Peace - The children at St. John the Evangelist School in Spencerport collected pennies for the victims of the September 11 tragedy. The children Pre-K through 6th grade collected $261 which is being sent to the Red Cross.
Outreach efforts continue

Area residents rally to
show support and aid victims

Veterans, fire and police
personnel to be honored

The Hilton School District Music Department presents a free concert of patriotic music, "A Musical Salute to America," on Thursday, October 25 at 7 p.m. in the gymnasium at Hilton High School, 400 East Avenue, Hilton. The concert is free and open to the public and will honor Hilton area veterans, firemen and women, policemen and women. Donations will be accepted at the concert which will help in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attack. Seating is very limited. Ticket are available from all school's main offices and at the District Switchboard, 225 West Avenue, Hilton. All tickets available are for the auditorium where a live simulcast of the concert will be aired on the large screen. Parking is available at all Hilton elementary and middle schools with shuttle bus transportation.

Local Vets Club to the rescue

The events that took place on September 11, sent Brockport and surrounding area residents scurrying in every direction frantically in search of flags. As was the case everywhere, the shelves were bare and there wasn't a 'Stars and Stripes' to be found anyplace.

However, the Brockport Area Veteran's Club came to the aid of a shocked community. The Club maintains a supply of flags for various patriotic events/purposes throughout the year. Brockport and surrounding area residents were given America's symbol free for the asking. Shocked citizens showed their sincere appreciation and generosity in the form of donations to the Vets Club when they were given their flags.

Donations totaled $500 when the inventory of flags was depleted. The Brockport Are Veterans Club, Board of Directors then matched the generous donations from the community and donated $1,000 to the New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund to aid those in need during this time of crisis.