Spencerport Fire Department
lists 2002 civil and line officers
The Spencerport Volunteer Firemen's Association, Inc., has listed civil and line officers for 2002.
Civil officers are: President - Dan Dollinger, Vice President - Mike Read, 2nd Vice President - Sal Muniz, Secretary - Don Wainwright, Treasurer - Mark Gurgir, Sergeant at Arms - Russ Young, Directors - Mike Bianchi, Ken Cunningham, Bob Dool, Lynd Hicks, Mike Lobene, Bill Vandertang.
Line officers are: Chief (2C-19) - Rick Wolfe, Deputy Chief (2C-29) - Tod Ritzenthaler, Assistant Chief (2C-39) - Dan Azzolina, 2nd Assistant Chief (2C-49) - Pat O'Hara, Captain (2C-59) - Terry Brown, 2nd Captain (2C-69) - Scott Wohlers, 3rd Captain (2C-79) - Joe Muniz, Lieutenant (2C-89) - Brian Krywy, 2nd Lieutenant (2C-99) - Brian Wieme, 3rd Lieutenant (2C-109) - Joe Barretta.