Hamlin Volunteer Ambulance Corps welcomes new chief (ambulance)
Hamlin Volunteer Ambulance Corps
welcomes new chief (ambulance)

The Hamlin Volunteer Ambulance Corps welcomed its new chief, last week, without replacing a single person. Hamlin's new addition is the 2001 Braun Chief XL ambulance.

The vehicle replaces the 1994 Trauma Hawk. This is a larger ambulance with a 158-inch wheelbase and for the approximately 30-member department could constitute some bragging rights. John Curtis, a Hamlin volunteer for nearly 15 years and chair of the new ambulance committee, said he is happy with the committee's accomplishment.

"I look at the new ambulance as a source of pride," said Curtis. The money for the $140,000 vehicle primarily came from the Corps' fund drive. Curtis said the volunteer ambulance department receives no tax dollars from Hamlin residents and operates instead mainly on revenue received from a contract with the town, funds earned through third party billing as a result of patient transfer, and money secured through fundraising.

The new ambulance was purchased from J.W. Carney Inc. as a demo and is the first Braun ambulance ever purchased by the Hamlin Ambulance Corps. It is one of two ambulances that the station uses to serve Hamlin. To volunteer and for membership information call 964-8845.