Lake Ontario meeting to address coastline issues
Lake Ontario meeting to address coastline issues

Local, state, tribal, and federal officials and agencies, economic and agricultural interests, environmental and civic groups, and interested citizens will meet in Rochester on Friday, May 3 for a conference on New York's North Coast - A Troubled Coastline.

The conference program will alert the public to the problems affecting the coastal waters and embayments; identify work in progress and opportunities for constructive remedies; and create a regional action framework for restoration of coastal waters and embayments.

The keynote speaker will be NY Secretary of State Randy Daniels. The conference will be opened with a speech by NYS Senator George Maziarz. Other conference speakers include experts on the ecological, economic, tourism and recreational aspects related to restoration and remediation.

The conference will be held at the Burgundy Basin Inn in Pittsford from 7:45 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cost is $35 ($45 after April 19) including continental breakfast, lunch, refreshments, reception and program material. To register, or for information contact CEI at 585-262-2870, visit or email at