Lakeside Health System joins Communities Working for Life and Breath

Tanya Tyler has her lung oxygen and carbon dioxide levels measured by Gregg Stroyan, Lakeside Respiratory Therapist.

Lakeside Health System
joins Communities Working
for Life and Breath

May 7 marks the fourth annual World Asthma Day, and a growing number of people and organizations throughout the world are joining together as Communities Working for Life and Breath to increase public awareness of asthma and promote better diagnosis and treatment.

The Lakeside Family Wellness Center at 156 West Avenue, Brockport will host Your ToolChest for Better Asthma Control, on May 6, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The event will provide participants with information about asthma as a disease and how to best manage it. The seminar will be led by Lakeside consultant physician, Scott B. Valet, MD; Lakeside Pharmacist, Chris Dailey, Pharm. D.; and Lakeside Respiratory Therapist, Gregg Stroyan, R.R.T.

With financial support from GlaxoSmithKline, this program will be free of charge and a peak flow meter will be provided to each participant. Seating will be limited, so interested persons should call in advance to reserve a seat for this important seminar. Newly diagnosed asthma sufferers and parents of children with asthma are encouraged to attend.