New look for Parma Town Hall

A crew from Parma Highway Department works on removal of sidewalk at the Parma Town Hall.

New look for
Parma Town Hall

New six-foot sidewalks, parking curbs, and several replacement doors are being installed at Parma Town Hall as part of a $25,000 Block Grant allocation from the Community Development Administration.

The present sidewalk and exterior doors are original fixtures from the 1969 building construction and were viewed by the town board as items that were in need of updating. As part of this project, the town also included two accessible concrete ramps to the building's east entrance and access slopes at the end of each sidewalk section.

The main project contributor has been the Parma Highway Department who facilitated the excavation and removal of the existing sidewalk and prepared the site for Tower Construction who has been contracted to complete the concrete work. B & M Glazing, Inc. has been selected by the town board for the installation of the doors, frames and hardware.