Holley Elementary raises over $13,000 for American Heart Association

The Holley Elementary students who raised the most money for the American Heart Association's Jump Rope for Heart event are: (l-r, front) Houston Draper, Ian Berg, Kelly Franck, Samantha Lonville, Gregory Foster, Eric Davis and Elizabeth Smith; (back) Chelsea Consiglio, Samantha Selden, Mark Vendetti, Eddie Bower, Corinne VanShoick, Kristin Paris and Macy Reyngoudt. The school raised over $13,000.

Holley Elementary
raises over $13,000
for American Heart Association

The Annual Jump Rope for Heart has become a tradition at Holley Elementary School. In its 17th year, the school has raised over $158,000 for the American Heart Association's research and programs. This year, 207 jumpers raised $13,006.32 by gathering pledges, then jumping rope in teams. Seventy-three parents and 36 staff volunteered to run the event. Among schools throughout New York state, Holley was fourth overall for raising the most money. "For a small community like Holley, that is a great accomplishment!" said Lisa Campbell, physical education teacher, who has coordinated the event.

The team that raised the most money was Ian Berg, Eddie Bower, Eric David and Houston Draper, who together brought in $689.

The top individual jumpers were: Gregory Foster ($301), Houston Draper ($235), Mark Vendetti ($227), Eric Davis ($216), Corinne VanSchoick ($211) and Elizabeth Smith ($203).

The classroom that raised the most money was Lynn Vendetti's fourth-grade, which raised a grand total of $1,332.

There were also 13 students who raised over $150 and will be entered into the American Heart Association's contest for a trip to Disney World. They are: Greg Foster, Stephen Schubmehl, Elizabeth Smith, Jacqulyne Fallato, Tyler Graves, Corinne VanSchoick, Mark Vendetti,

Houston Draper, Eric Davis, Ian Berg, Samantha Selden, Kelli Burch and Amber Callen-Ward.