Apple pie entries invited
Apple pie entries invited

With apples as the main theme, Hilton Apple Fest on the weekend of October 5 and 6 will put the spotlight on a favorite apple product - pie. The Hilton Apple Fest Apple Pie Contest will be held in the Ingham Room of the Hilton Community Center on Saturday, October 5. Two divisions - youth and adult - are planned with youth judging the youth division. Applications/rules are available at the Hilton Village Office, the web site, or watch for an entry form in this newspaper in the near future. There is a $2 entry fee. Entries are judged on appearance, taste, and texture. The deadline is October 2.

Planners have several favorite entertainers lined up for this year's festival. Blues Clues, Elmo and Bob the Builder will be big hits with the children this year as these cartoon characters stroll around both days just waiting to have their picture taken with a child.

New this year on Sunday will be a Children's Craft Area. Children can visit and make special crafts for only 50 cents. This will be held in the Ingham Room and the proceeds will go to Cub Scout Pack 99.

A free Child ID Program will be offered on the main floor of the Community Center. After the child is taped, the parents or guardians get to keep the tape.

The Photo Contest will be judged on Saturday, October 5 and the photos will be on display until Sunday afternoon in the Ingham Room. The theme this year is "Put Your Best Face Forward" and entries may be of any face. The deadline to enter is September 27.

The Hilton Apple Fest welcomes anyone who would like to volunteer to work for the Apple Fest during the weekend. Those interested can fill out the Volunteer Application form found on the web site and let the committee know what area they are interested in working.

Free shuttle bus service will be available from the East Avenue School and the Hilton Fire Department. Handicap bus service will also be available.