Flu Cinics for high-risk groups set to begin October 1
Flu Cinics for high-risk groups set to begin October 1

Over 100 public flu clinics will be conducted throughout the community between October and December by member organizations of the Monroe County Adult Immunization Coalition. In October, however, flu shots will be administered only to residents aged 65 and older, and to others at high-risk of complications from the flu, such as individuals with a chronic medical condition.

Those most at-risk for serious complications from the flu include people with chronic health problems such as heart or lung disease, or asthma and people 65 and over. Health care workers, people with weakened immune systems and women who are more than three months pregnant are also considered high-risk and will be immunized in October.

Federal health officials project that vaccine supplies will be adequate to meet demand this year - unlike the past several years when delays in shipment were experienced. Eighty percent of this year's vaccine supply is expected to be delivered to health care providers before November 1.

Call the information line - 234-9600 - for the locations of flu shot clinics in Monroe County. The complete list is also available on the county's web site at www.MonroeCounty.gov.