C-C school district residents asked to vote on funding change
C-C school district residents
asked to vote on funding change

A special vote will be held on Wednesday, October 30 relating to the on-going Churchville-Chili capital improvement project. Voters will be asked to consider approval of a resolution to re-allocate already approved funds to the transportation facility from the rest of the project.

The re-allocation authorization will not increase the cost of the project, nor will it result in any additional taxes, according to district officials.

When the transportation facility was in the planning stage several years ago, detailed studies had not been completed that fully revealed the extent of the site work required. When bids were opened and as the work progressed, it became clear that the original estimate was too low, officials said. Bids for the balance of the $30.9 million project came in under estimate. A transfer of spending authorization is all that's required to assure the district will receive full state aid on the facility.

A public hearing for this vote will be held on Tuesday, October 22 at the Senior High School library at 6:30 p.m. to present this re-allocation vote information.