Brockport chiefs gather information for specialized Employee Assistance Program
Brockport chiefs gather information
for specialized Employee Assistance Program

In time of stress and everyday emotional toll, Brockport's Chief of Police Daniel Varrenti recommends his officers and Fire Chief Gregory Wing's personnel have access to a specialized employee assistance program (EAP). The village presently offers EAP to its employees but both Wing and Varrenti say their personnel may require specialized personnel to help with their emotional concerns.

Varrenti looked into a program offered by Strong Health that is specifically designed for police and fire department personnel. The program, he said, targets those suffering post-traumatic stress syndrome and is also for the officers' families as well.

There are 150 volunteer fire fighters and 19 police officers who would benefit from the services offered by the specialized employee assistance program, both Varrenti and Wing concurred. "It would cost $18 per year for each person on the department," Varrenti said.

For the annual $10 fee, the employee, and their family, could avail themselves of three visits with EAP counselors. Counselors would also be on hand at any critical incident to offer on-site counseling and debriefing, Varrenti said. "They will also meet with command staff and let us know what signs to look for in our employees," he said. "This would be a phenomenal asset for our fire fighters and officers."

Trustee Morton Wexler questioned whether the fees for the program could be included in upcoming contract negotiations.

Varrenti said that any item can be negotiated, but "it's my duty as a chief to ensure that my people have access to an EAP."

At the September village board meeting, Mayor Josephine Matela explained that the village does offer an EAP to its employees but it is not tailored for the stressors fire and police personnel encounter.