Veterans share war experiences
Veterans share war experiences

Land of the Free and Home of the Brave are two themes that rang true on Friday, November 8 at Hill Elementary School in Brockport. Veterans Peter Barber, William Reardon, David Yeaw, Richard Griswold, Ronald Ayrault, Lewis Randall, Benjamin Pasgenski and Daniel Sell visited classrooms throughout the day sharing their war experiences with fourth and fifth grade students.

Each veteran shared his story, some sad and poignant and some historical and informational. Peter Barber, a Navy pilot in World War II, showed Mrs. Stoker's fifth grade class a model of the bomber flyer he flew during his 50 missions in WWII. He said, "We had no fear of war. At age 19, I was too young to know what fear was." William Reardon, age 90, fought in WWII as an Army tank driver. He told the class "Over 450,000 people died in WWII. One of my fellow soldiers watched his brother die in this war. As a soldier, you would lay down your life for a friend."

Navy veterans David Yeaw and Richard Griswold visited Mrs. McCue's fourth grade class. Students listened as Chief Griswold explained how he signed up for the Navy on his 17th birthday. "My father needed to sign permission papers for me to join the Navy. I never graduated from high school. So you children, learn work ethics now. Do your homework, study and learn."

As a mechanic for the helicopter squad in the Navy, Griswold worked his way up in the ranks. When he retired, Griswold was responsible for 35 civilians, 35 Marines and 255 sailors. "In the Navy you can gain responsibility as time grows," he said.

David Yeaw, a Vietnam veteran, explained the various branches of the military - Navy, Marines, Air Force, Army and Coast Guard and the differences between each branch. Students also learned the meaning of some nautical language such as galley (meaning kitchen) and chow (meaning food). When a student asked where these sailors slept on a ship, both Yeaw and Griswold chuckled and responded. "In a bunk, stacked up five bunks tall and only two feet deep. So, we didn't have much room. Over 60 men slept in one compartment so we were in tight quarters."

This event is held annually at Hill School and is the tenth year that Reardon and Barber have visited local schools. At the end of the day, the two veterans presented two fourth grade students, Ericha Hartz and Nicholas Sutphen, with two WWII history books Barber donated to the school library.