Spencerport Firemen's Assoc.
elects officers and board members
The Spencerport Volunteer Firemen's Association held their annual election of officers on Thursday, December 5.
Each of the officers will fill a term of one year, beginning January 1, 2003. They are: Richard Wolfe, fire chief; Tod Ritzenthaler, deputy fire chief; Daniel Azzolina, assistant fire chief; Patrick O'Hara, assistant fire chief; Joseph Muniz, captain; Terry Brown, captain; Brian Krywy, captain; Joseph Barretta, lieutenant; Scott Wohlers, lieutenant, Robert Kuzmicki, lieutenant.
Additionally, the following were elected to fill positions on the Department's Board of Directors. Each of the officers will serve for a period of one year as well. They are: Daniel Dollinger, president; Michael Read, 1st vice-president; Salvador Muniz, 2nd vice-president; Stephen P. Cusenz, secretary; Mark Gurgir, treasurer; Russell Young, sergeant at arms.
Directors elected to a three-year term are: Michael Lobene and Aaron Baker.