Troop 692 helps Brockport Toy Shelf
Troop 692 helps Brockport Toy Shelf

Several of the juniors from Brockport Girl Scout Troop 692 got together on the Friday night before Christmas to bring holiday joy to others. They donated over two hours of service to the Brockport Toy Shelf. The girls came with toys, books, stuffed animals, hats and mittens that the troop had donated to help out others. In the season where the girls receive so much, they enjoyed having a chance to help others have a Merry Christmas as well. One of the troop's leaders reported that the girls showed great spirit and initiative when they jumped in with both feet and worked hard. "We were so proud of our girls when they asked what they could do and jumped right in to do it. The girls really wanted to work with the stuffed animals so they organized, sorted and arranged them into a display that would be appealing to the Christmas shoppers at the Toy Shelf," Leader Marie Rice said. Members of the troop stated that they can't wait until next year when they can help make other children's Christmas dreams come true again!" Shown above, Girl Scout Troop 692's Christmas "Angels," (left to right), include Heather Earle, Mary Wilcox, Kelsey Boyd, Amber Rice and Amanda Wilmier.