South Avenue, Brockport, property inspection scheduled
South Avenue, Brockport, property inspection scheduled

Ongoing problems at a four family dwelling located at 34 South Avenue in the village of Brockport will likely be wrapped up on January 10, Brockport’s Code Enforcement Officer Scott Zarnstorff said.

Litigation has been an on-going event with the multi-family property and its owner, Richard Miller, Zarnstorff explained. "We went before Sweden Town Court and cited the violations – a lack of a certificate of occupancy and poor exterior conditions and we were successful," he said. "The property owner was found guilty and was fined $5,000."

"The underlying issue in any code enforcement decision is the safety of the residents," he said.

The fine was to be paid by December 31 and the property was to have been scheduled for inspection by that date also, Zarnstorff said, but because of an appeal filed, the dates were pushed back a couple of weeks.

"The inspection is scheduled for Friday … we will see what happens then and go from there," the village's CEO said.