Defense of Liberty Medal awarded to Master Chief Edward C. Reese
Defense of Liberty Medal
awarded to Master Chief Edward C. Reese

In the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, a call went out from Governor Pataki to the Naval Militia for volunteers to assist in organizing a recall of Militia members for perimeter guards, as well as rescue and recovery efforts at the World Trade Center site in New York City. Master Chief Reese immediately responded to his call.

Incurring personal expense, he contacted over 50 militia members throughout the Rochester area and organized them into three separate mobilization waves. He also contacted local media and area employers, reminding them of the importance of this effort and asking their assistance and support of their Naval Guard employees. He continuously updated the Region 3 Navy website with many email message details of this rapidly evolving recall and as a central repository of information for second and third wave personnel.

Master Chief Reese's actions and "can-do" spirit were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself and the New York Naval Militia.

The New York State Naval Militia is a component of the NYS military forces and serves the Governor in times of state emergency.

Reese is currently serving as Commander of the Navy Club at 21 Clinton Street, Brockport. Anyone interested in serving in the New York State Naval Guard or joining the Navy Club are encouraged to contact him. Call 637-6110 or email at