Hilton Schools seek nominations
for 2004 Teacher of the Year
The Hilton Central School District is currently seeking nominations for the 2004 Teacher of the Year, an annual award sponsored by the Hilton Central Schools Teachers Association. This year's Teacher of the Year, High School Social Studies teacher Chuck Partridge, was named in early September.
Nominees must have more than five years of exceptional service to the district, active involvement in the Hilton community, and have made a substantial impact on the lives of their students and colleagues, according to teacher Kathleen Kehoe who chairs the Teacher-of-the-Year committee.
Letters of nomination may be e-mailed to kkehoe@hilton.k12.ny.us or returned to Kehoe at Merton Williams Middle School, 200 School Lane, Hilton, NY 14468 by April 30. Announcement of this year's winner will be made at the opening meeting for staff in September. For information call 392-1000 ext. 3231 or visit the district web site at www.hilton.k12.ny.us.