Michael Bush

Hilton graduate to attend
U.S. Air Force Academy
in Colorado Springs

Hilton High School Class of 2003 graduate Michael S. Bush, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bush of Hilton, has received an appointment to the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Retired U.S. Congressman John LaFalce (D-20, NY) sponsored Michael. He will receive a full scholarship to the Academy, an education valued at more than $130,000. "I wanted to do something different, spectacular," Michael said. "The Air Force Academy covers all aspects of life: academics, character, physical, and maximizes the best out of you."

Michael has been involved in Boy Scouts, football, tennis and ski club as well as a camp counselor. He is the fifth student in six years to receive an appointment to the U.S. Air Force Academy from Hilton High School. He follows Tom Younker '97, Dave Caswell '98, Nick Lofthouse '99, and John Ayers '02. Other Hilton High School Academy appointments include: U.S. Army at West Point: Ken Juergens '79 and Michael Langelotti '96; U.S. Coast Guard Academy: Lora Leigh Roller '99.