Corn crop rated excellent

Irrigated fresh market sweet corn is rated excellent and insect damage has been minimal and quite manageable this year, according to Bob King of Monroe County Cooperative Extension.

Many of the sugar enhanced and some super sweet varieties are now being picked. These varieties tend to have a larger ear and taste much sweeter than standard varieties. The sweet corn supply is consistent and widely available.

Vine crops continue to be excellent due to warm days for consistent growth and cool nights that help keep cucumber and summer squash fruit from developing too quickly. Some growers of cucumbers, cantaloupes, pumpkins and squash are reporting bacterial wilt problems which is spread by cucumber beetles. However, control of cucumber and squash bugs can improve this problem.

Cabbage continues to grow well and insect damage has been minimal due to a much cooler season. Onions have been sizing nicely and harvest will begin next week. Some growers of tomato, pepper and eggplant have reported incidents of blossom-end-rot and sunscald; however the overall crop is rated as good to excellent, King reported in a press release.