Natural Helpers
selected at
Hilton High School

This fall, 19 Hilton High School students were selected by their peers as persons to whom students "would go to if they had a problem and needed someone they could trust," according to advisors Shirley Abrams, School Counselor, and Nancy Lewthwaite, Park Ridge Youth Outreach Counselor. "When students have problems, they often look to other students for help before approaching an adult," Lewthwaite said. "This helping network of trusted peers can be an invaluable asset in ensuring the emotional and physical health of students at your school. Natural Helpers teach participants effective ways to help their friends; positive ways of taking good care of themselves; ways to contribute to a safe and supportive school environment." In order to develop their capacity to help others, students participated in a training retreat held at Camp Asbury, Silver Lake in November. Hilton Natural Helpers are: Emily Allen, Brian Beckler, Lisa Bush, Elliot Cave, Megan Crawford, Samantha Curran, Stephen DeVay, Jessica Dianni, Jon Fose, Kamie Frankenberger, Kim Gawron, Ryan Hobson, Theresa Jobes, Aimee LaLonde, Margaret Massa, Teresa Mazza, Lindsay Merritt, Jill Michalowski and Stephanie Rondo. In addition, teachers Helaine Donn and Mike Murphy attended the retreat.