Local teacher
responds to call

Jodie Hurtgam came to Hilton on a mission - literally.

The 27-year-old Ransomville, NY native is a called teacher at St. Paul Lutheran School in the Village of Hilton. A called teacher in the Lutheran Church means that individual is committed to serving the Christian faith and specifically the particular ministry that has called him or her. In Hurtgam's case, that means her allegiance lies with St. Paul's Lutheran Church and School.

That's a pretty weighty commitment considering everything that goes into maintaining a healthy church and school community. In addition to classroom duties, to which she devotes an average of 50 hours per week, Hurtgam helps out with the school's basketball program, leads after school events, and helps out around the church with the many dinners that are put on for members and the many other behind-the-scene projects. Those that also accept this call do so at about two-thirds of the salary that a public school employee would earn.

For Hurtgam, the sacrifice is far out weighed by the joy of service. "I just love children. I love the things they do and the things they say," said Hurtgam, who teaches kindergarten. "I don't feel like I'm lacking anything, except maybe being able to take a nice vacation now and then."

Hurtgam, like all of St. Paul's teachers, is New York State certified, and therefore, could teach at a public school for a considerable pay upgrade. With her wedding fast approaching and the hope of a growing family in the future, she acknowledges the benefits of having a more substantial income, but she can't imagine giving up what she has.

"Here we are able to teach about God and the teachers work together as a family to keep the focus on our kids," said Hurtgam. "I knew from the very first moment that I was meant to be here."

St. Paul's Principal Joanne Nordhausen agrees that Hurtgam has found the right place. "Jodie is an excellent teacher," said Nordhausen. "She's also truly living her call to serve the whole ministry."

While Hurtgam is younger than most on St. Paul's veteran teaching staff, she has had no trouble fitting in. Diana Hendershot, a fellow faculty member, said Jodie's transition into teaching at St. Paul's has been relatively seamless. "Jodie is so warm and bubbly she has an immediate likeability factor," said Hendershot.

In those few hours that Hurtgam isn't working for the school or church, she enjoys shopping and traveling back home to her family's vegetable farm. It is there that the idea to become a Lutheran School teacher was first planted.

Her parents, Jerry and Brenda, and her older brothers, Jay and Jeff, are all products of Lutheran education. The entire family attended St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran School. Her mother actually suggested that she consider becoming a Lutheran School teacher.

It was early on in her college career at Concordia College that Hurtgam solidified her decision. She was in the midst of what she described as a fairly typical college-age crisis when something became clear to her.

"I saw that I had been living life for myself," said Hurtgam. "I realized it was time to live for God."

Note: All interested families are invited to visit Jodie Hurtgam and all of the faculty and staff at St. Paul Lutheran School at this Open House February 4 at 7 p.m. St. Paul is located in the Village of Hilton at 158 East Avenue. It serves students in nursery school through eighth grade. Call (585) 392-4000 for details.