Winners in Holley's National Geographic Bee are (front, l-r): Eric Mitchell and Quinton Murphy, grade four; Jacob Kernan, grade five; Garret DePhillips (champion) and Steven Emerson, grade eight; (back) Jonathan Wharram and David Spychalski, grade seven; Jesse Parks, grade five; and Esperanza Morales and Lexie MacLarty, grade six. Each semi-finalist received a certificate and atlas.

Geography is the buzz at Holley contest

Holley students in grades 4-8 really know their way around the globe. The annual National Geographic Bee at Holley was held in January giving students the opportunity to earn the chance to compete at the state level. This year's champion is eighth-grader Garret DePhillips, who is now entitled to take the qualifying test to participate at the state level in April. Garrett received a certificate, medal, set of atlases and camera from the National Geographic Society, which sponsors the event.

Ed Berlow, retired teacher, was moderator for the event. He coordinated the National Geographic Bee at Holley for several years before he retired.

Each year, thousands of schools around the United States participate in the National Geographic Bee using materials prepared by the National Geographic Society. Each school winner takes a written test, and the top 100 scorers in each state compete at the state level. The winner of each state Bee proceeds to the national competition in Washington, D.C. The contest is designed to encourage teachers to include geography in their classrooms, spark student interest in the subject, and increase public awareness about geography.