Nicholas Schell (in front) holds his "Do the Right Thing" award, (l to r in back) Ron Feiock, Nicholas' grandfather, Chief Robert Duffy, and Nolee Feiock, Nicholas's grandmother.

Second grader recognized for 'doing the right thing'

Nicholas Schell knows the importance of making good choices. He was awarded the "Do The Right Thing" award sponsored by the Rochester Police Department and 29 other Rochester area businesses, foundations and organizations. Rochester Police Chief Duffy presented Nicholas his award on Thursday, March 25.

Nicholas is a second grader at Fairbanks Road Elementary School. His grandmother, Nolee Feiock, nominated Nicholas. In May 2003, Nicholas lost his cousin and best friend Matthew Gnage, who was killed by a train. After Matthew's death, Nicholas told his grandmother that he wanted to do good things for people just like Matthew did.

During a recent party for friends and family, an auction was held and the proceeds were used to purchase a telescope in memory of Matthew. At this auction, Nicholas outbid another boy on a GI Joe toy. The boy was disheartened that he had been outbid and after seeing the boy in tears, Nicholas walked over and gave him the toy he had won in the auction.

When asked why he had given the boy the toy, Nicholas replied, "Gramma, remember when I said I wanted to do good things like Matthew did? That boy needed it more than I did."

Nicholas's parents and grandparents, his second grade classmates and teacher, Jim Reeverts attended the "Do the Right Thing" ceremony. Fairbanks Road Principal Sarah Stoll also attended the ceremony.