Hamlin Recreation introduces healthy living classes

Hamlin Recreation will be offering a new "Healthy and Fit for Kids" program that will be offered free to Hamlin residents ages seven to 10-years-old.

Children will be introduced to basic techniques for various sports and martial arts and will learn to make healthy food choices that will include the opportunity to prepare and sample healthy, fun snacks.

Statistics from the Center for Disease Control cite that 28 percent of New York high school students are either overweight or are in danger of becoming overweight.

For many, the motivation of engaging in physical activity is to either lose weight or alter their appearance - a focus that leads to failure and frustration. The Healthy and Fit For Kids program will teach children how to incorporate fun, physical activities into their daily routines.

The classes will be held Tuesdays from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. at the Hamlin Town Hall Gymnasium, 1658 Lake Road. The free program runs from February 15 to April 9. Space is limited. Registration is required by February 9. Registration for non residents will be accepted after February 9, space permitting.

Call the Hamlin Recreation Department at 964-7222 for information.