America's waterway watch program underway

Waterway security is better than ever but with almost 95,000 miles of shoreline, more than 290,000 square miles of water and approximately 70 million recreational boaters in the United States, the U.S. Coast Guard and local first responders can't do the job alone.

The Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary are promoting America's Waterway Watch Program. This is a national awareness program that asks those who work, live or recreate on or near the water to be aware of suspicious activity that might indicate threats to the country's security. Americans are urged to adopt a heightened sensitivity toward unusual events or individuals they may encounter in or around ports, docks, marina, riversides, beaches or communities or other sensitive locations.

Some areas that are considered sensitive locations are: under and around bridges, tunnels or overpasses; near commercial areas or services like ports, fuel docks or marinas; near industrial facilities like power plants and oil, chemical or water intake facilities and near established security zones such as the Ginna Nuclear Power Plant. Some examples of suspicious activities are: people appearing to be engaged in surveillance of any kind (note taking, shooting video/photos, making sketches or asking questions); people near critical facilities who do not fit the surrounding environment such as individuals wearing improper attire; lights flashing between vessels at night; vessels operating in or passing through an area that does not typically have such activity; vessels anchoring in an area not typically used for anchorage. People are not suspicious, behavior is.

Anyone observing suspicious activity is simply asked to note details and contact the local IBET (Integrated Border Enforcement Team) headed by the U.S. Border Patrol at 1-800-331-0353 or the National Response Center's Hotline at 800-424-8802 or 877-24WATCH. For immediate danger to life or property call 9-1-1. For information on the America's Waterway Watch program visit their website at For information about the Rochester, NY U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary visit the website at