Murray seeks input for building proposal

Taxpayers in the Town of Murray may be asked to approve town officials' requests for a new, improved building.

"We're looking at a building across the street from the present building," Supervisor Henry Lehning said. "We own the property and would like to construct a 5,000 square foot office building there."

In the past, town officials sought approval for taxpayers to construct a 7,200 square foot building there as well as combining forces with the Village of Holley for the construction of a 6,000 square foot office building. Both times, the measures were defeated by taxpayers.

Murray officials continue to struggle with an assessor who is housed on the second floor of the town's highway department. It is a situation that makes it impossible for disabled residents to see records. The town assessor generally brings records down to the conference table when there is a taxpayer request.

Lehning has said in the past that the town's capacity when court is in session is diminished as there is not enough space for all of the individuals who come before the judge nor is there adequate space for attorneys to meet with clients. Handicapped accessible restroom facilities are also lacking in the town's present office site.

A meeting is scheduled for June 14 at which time town officials will lay forth plans for construction and begin gathering costs.

"We don't have any prices or cost information for construction yet," Lehning said. "If it's too cost prohibitive we won't be able to do it. But if the prices aren't too bad we might be able to use some of our cash reserves or seek low cost financing."