Newsmakers for the week of
October 16, 2005

Two Houghton College students from this area have been named to the list recognizing Who's Who Among American College and University Students.

Amber Lehman is an adolescent education and math major from Churchville. She is student teaching in Rochester, has volunteered with the Nursing Home Ministry since her freshman year and has been active in Bible studies in her dorm and townhouse. She is active in intramural sports such as volleyball, basketball, indoor and outdoor soccer and water polo. She served as a senator for her class freshman year and she has been an FYI leader during her sophomore and junior year. Lehman has also served on CAB and the search committee for a director of student programs. She has also served as an intern with the Visit Office and as a teacher's assistant for pre-calculus.

Marisa Roach is a biology major from Spencerport and serves as class senator to the SGA. She is a member of the swim club and plays intramural volleyball and basketball. Last year she served as president of SGA and as an FYI leader. She received the Biology Achievement Award for Outstanding Student in Biology for the 2003-2004 academic year and the CRC PRESS Chemistry Achievement Award for the spring of 2004. This past summer she worked in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Golisano Children's Hospital at Strong Medical Center. On campus she works in the Academic Records Office.

The United States Achievement Academy announced that Benjamin F. Plucknette of Spencerport, has been named an All-American Collegiate Scholar. Plucknette, who attends Daemen College, was nominated for this national award by Paulette A. Anzelone. He will appear in the All-American Collegiate Yearbook, which is published nationally.

Pluckette is the son of John and Janet Plucknette of Spencerport. The grandparents are Tom and Joyce Plucknette of Spencerport and Richard Kinsman and Doreen Tanner of Sarasota, Florida.

Thirteen students pianists from the studio of Barbara Woods in Spencerport performed in the New York State Music Teachers Association Greater Rochester District Student Achievement program in December and May at Nazareth College and received certificates for their accomplishments.

The program consists of evaluations in keyboard skills, written theory and piano performance. Those participating were Nicole Moran, Steven Burek, Nathaniel Heale, Melissa Heale, Jennie Trenton, Drew Callan, Jenna Callan, Tyler Davis, Alexandra Keery, Katherine Wimer, Raymond Manioci, Alicia Joerger and Andrew Liu.

When students have earned 280 points on a 300 point scale they receive a bust of a composer. It takes a minimum of three years to earn the points. Those receiving the award this year are: Moran, Davis, Wimer, Burek, N. Heale, Keery, Manioci, M. Heale and D. Callan.

Cheryl B. Johnson, CFP, ChFC a financial advisor with Ameriprise Financial, attended a retirement symposium in Washington, D. C., during which she met with the chief economist and capital market strategist from Ameriprise, as well as Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR), to address trends and issues facing current and future retirees in the U. S.

Johnson had the opportunity to hear from Senator Smith, co-author of the Retirement Savings and Security Act of 2005, along with Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND). The legislation, if passed, will be aimed at increasing retirement savings, improving retirement security and helping to clarify retirement plan rules. This comprehensive retirement legislation will further expand saving opportunities for all Americans, simplify plan rules and provide incentives for lifetime payouts from retirement plans.

Patrick Hastings of Nothnagle Relators has earned Salesperson of the Month for Chili-Ogden Office for the Month of September with eight transactins.

Among other awards received during his career are Top Agent for 2004, which he has won each consectuvie year since 1997, the Sales Master Gold Award for the past seven years, which is given to agents who have closed 60 or more transactions in a one year period, Top 25 and the Zenith and Pinnacle Awards, which are given by the Women's Council of Rochester.

Hastings has 26 years of experience in real estate and has a production level of $9.5 million in sales. He can be reached at 594-4333 or 737-0576.

Army Reserve Pvt. Michael R. Aloi has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. He is the son of Russell Aloi of Spencerport and Karen Dunning of Rochester.

Army Pvt. Zackary D. Lockwood has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, South Carolina.

He is the son of Steven R. and Paige M. Lockwood of Hilton. Lockwood is a 2005 graduate of Hilton High School.