Hamlin Master Plan headed for review

Nearly three years and a half dozen committee members later, and Gerry Hutchison, chair of Hamlin’s Comprehensive Master Plan Committee, is handing over a draft of the town’s Master Plan to be reviewed by the public. The Master Plan was presented to the town board October 19.

“I've been asked by everyone over the last year, what is taking so long, even my daughter wanted to know why I couldn't play games with her,” Hutchison said. “There were a couple of reasons: first there was some time lost when we were switching chairpersons three times, and our information gathering took a lot of time from a committee that met once a month. We needed to research the topics to make sure all the bases are covered, new or unheard of methods had to be double checked before recommending to the plan.”

The process began in April 2003 and involved surveying Hamlin residents as to their opinion on issues concerning the development and future of Hamlin. The advisory committee was tasked with four goals:

  1. Review the 1997 Comprehensive Master Plan
  2. Examine and revise the current zoning codes
  3. Research issues relating to open space and consider whether Hamlin's taxpayers want to protect agricultural land and, if so, at what cost?
  4. Review all data gathered on all topics and make their final recommendations to the Town Board

Feedback provided by the residents who responded to the survey emphatically called for Hamlin to maintain its rural heritage. Hutchison said doing so will involve “minimal and organized” development.

“A town can keep its rural heritage and grow at the same time through modest development using tougher, but fair development and zoning codes,” Hutchison said.

Hutchison would like the town board to review the plan and support the recommendations that the board sees as most needed and cost effective. The Comprehensive Master Plan will be posted on the town’s web site in the near future and the town will announce a date for a forum for public feedback.

October 23, 2005