Second $150,000 grant continues expanded
meal delivery service in nine-county region

The Rochester Meals On Wheels Alliance (RMOWA) will continue to prepare and distribute meals to the elderly, homebound and those with HIV/AIDS in the City of Rochester and the surrounding counties. It received a $150,000 two-year renewable grant from Altria Group, Inc. and the Association of Nutrition Services Agencies (ANSA).

The grant supports the pre-existing collaborative efforts of Visiting Nurse Service of Rochester and Monroe County, Inc. (VNS Meals on Wheels), The Greater Rochester Chapter of the American Red Cross, Foodlink and AIDS Rochester. Funds were awarded for the purpose of reaching underserved populations, providing more than 18,000 meals in rural areas, as well as adding 64 senior citizens and individuals living with HIV/AIDS to the program.

November 6, 2005