Members of Sweden Community Foundation are front (left to right) Dan Hogan, Wayne Zyra, Kelly Lewis, Buddy Lester; back (left to right) Tom Ferris, Charles Militello, Jack Milner and Greg Stahl. Missing from photo is Richard Booth.

Sweden Community Foundation aims to expand recreational options

The newly formed Sweden Community Foundation is a non-profit organization which adheres to the principle that social recreation is vital to the physical and mental health of all residents, regardless of age, gender, ability, ethnicity or occupation. Foundation members believe that recreation increases the quality of life for not only individual participants, but the community in general. To that end, the foundation is committed to assisting in the expansion, promotion and funding of recreational opportunities for residents of the greater Sweden community.

"While the Towns of Sweden and Clarkson have done a wonderful job increasing opportunities for recreation, the financial responsibility should not rest solely on the taxpayers," according to Jack Milner, president of the foundation. "Our residents are fortunate to have leaders on the Sweden and Clarkson town boards who have been willing to commit resources for the development of parks and a full-time recreation program at the Community Center," Milner said. "Now, through the efforts of this foundation, we plan to secure additional recreation funding from the state government, apply for state, local and national grants, develop fund raising programs and encourage businesses and private citizens who share this vision to contribute."

For example, the group joined forces with the Brockport Country Club in August to host the Swing for the Hill Golf Tournament. Additional fund raising activities are in the early planning stages. Individual contributions to the foundation have been made by several donors. Incorporated in June, foundation members also include Wayne Zyra, Charles Militello, Kelly Lewis, Buddy Lester, Richard Booth, Tom Ferris, Dan Hogan and Greg Stahl. Meetings are conducted at least monthly at the Sweden/Clarkson Community Center. Citizens with questions, suggestions or comments about the foundation are encouraged to contact the Sweden/Clarkson Community Center at 431-0090 and a member of the group will respond to the inquiry.

Many projects are being studied by the members including: facility improvements, equipment for existing and new programs, and scholarships to camps for those who otherwise could not afford to attend. Foundation members plans to have a visible presence in the community and look forward to meeting with residents who share a common interest in recreation.

November 6, 2005