Brockport discusses comprehensive plan

The proposal to accept, or not accept, the comprehensive plan updates as proposed by Town of Sweden officials was put before the board at its November 7 meeting. A motion made by Trustee Connie Castaneda to accept the plan was made, but no second was received.

The following motion, made by Trustee Carrie Maziarz, was to table the plan until further discussion took place. It received a second and was carried.

Trustee David Wagenhauser said he would have to recuse himself from any voting.

"A big part of the plan relates to the Redman Road project as it relates to senior housing," he said. "Because that's the business that I am in and because it would affect my family business, I won't be voting."

The matter was tabled until the village's November 28 workshop.

In other matters the board:

Approved the purchase of two 2005 Ford Escapes at a cost of $27,995 each for the fire department. They are being purchased with money from the budget

Heard from Fire Chief Christian McCullough that year to date the department has responded to 1,417 ambulance calls and 771 fire calls.

Heard from Police Chief Dan Varrenti that his department has responded to 3,281 calls for service year to date - that included 613 calls in the last quarter.

Also heard from Wagenhauser that the police department was under budget by close to $60,000 year to date. "We're only five months into the budget," Wagenhauser said. "And the police department is $60,000 under budget and we really appreciate that."

Heard from Mayor Mort Wexler that the Department of Transportation indicated road work would be commenced on the village's Main Street area in 2008 and that it would take approximately one to two years to reach completion.

November 13, 2005