Books on wheels

Students in Marlene Benson's fourth grade class collected three boxes of books toward the 25 boxes donated to the Rochester-Genesee Regional Transit Authority's "Books for Buses" program. RGRTA CEO Mark Aesch visited Taylor Elementary School on Friday, February 3 to pick up the books and thank students. Back row: Mark Aesch, Christa White (with book beside face), Kate Oberlin. Middle row: Jackie Webster, Joey Cammarata, Travis Wright, Tyler Lehman, Randy Vogt, Christopher Lawrence, Alex Sweetland, Danny Sullivan, Ben Perrone, Mrs. Benson. Front row: Zinnia Vella, Kyle Williams, Amy Vorhauer, Marisa Libonati, Ashley DiNicola, McKenna Johnson, Connor Wolk, Hannah Zicari.

February 12, 2006