Chili Senior Center programs
Defensive Driving - AARP driving course June 13 and 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Must attend both sessions. Cost is $10 per person. Register in advance.
Food Cupboard - bring donations of non perishable foods and canned goods to the center for the SWEM Food Cupboard. Check the expiration dates on donated items.
Euchre Tournament - Saturday, March 18, 10 game tournament. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. and play begins at 10 a.m. $8 per person includes lunch, snacks and prize money. Payment must accompany registration.
Massage Therapy - offered on the second and last Thursday of the month. Prices and times vary. Call the center for an appointment. 889-6185.
Winter Picnic - Friday, March 10. Grilled hots, salad, beans, dessert, and beverage. Double Bingo. Reservations needed. $3.50 per person.
The History of Rochester - presented by Warren Kling Tuesday, March 7 at 1 p.m. includes focus on the Erie Canal. Free.
Traditional Irish Music - a trip to the Hochstein Music Hall Friday, March 17 for an evening of Irish music, Mitzie Collins, Roxanne Ziegler, The Dady Brothers, the Drumcliffe School of Irish Dance and others. $12 per person. Tickets limited. The bus will depart at 6:30 p.m. Registration required.