Holley Middle School students receiving academic excellence awards are: (front, l-r): Kristina Martin, Meaghan White, Jennie Hundley, Jessica Laudico, Alyssa Davis, Jessica Bower, Felicia Kraatz, Kristen Paris, Corinne VanSchoick, Aaron Dale, Jackie Widmer and Mark Heath; (back) Nick Pernicano, Amanda Lamson, Cody Trainham, Ed Bower, Barbara Gallets, Chad Barhydt, Kory Sugar, Caleb Orbaker, Amanda Buzard, Renee McMillion, Felicia Thomas and Jeff Korber.

Holley Middle School announces year-end awards

Academic, physical education and perfect attendance awards were presented at a ceremony at Holley Middle School.

Academic excellence awards were given to the following students:

Excellence in English Award: Felicia Kraatz, Amanda Lamson, Felicia Thomas; Excellence in Social Studies: Corrine VanSchoick, Meaghan White; Excellence in Math: Aaron Dale, Jeff Korber, Kristen Paris, Jackie Widmer; Excellence in Science: Kristina Martin, Renee McMillion, Kory Sugar; Excellence in Health: Chad Barhydt, Jessica Laudico; Excellence in Spanish: Mark Heath, Nick Pernicano; Excellence in Physical Education: Ed Bower, Jessica Bower, Alyssa Davis, Caleb Orbaker; Excellence in Family and Consumer Science: Barbara Gallets, Jennie Hundley; Excellence in Technology: John Newland; Excellence in General Music: Aaron Dale; Excellence in Middle School Band: Mark Heath; Excellence in Middle School Chorus: Amanda Buzard and Excellence in Art: Cody Trainham.

The Student Council Award was presented to Nicole Iachetta, and the Excellence in Literature Award was given to Amanda Buzard and Matthew Moy. Perfect Attendance Awards and Physical Fitness Awards were also presented.

June 25, 2006