The Valvano family performs special music for Union Church's Blessing of Pets July 16. Schnauzer Sadie had a special part in the song. Submitted photo.

Caring for all creatures focuses on blessing of the pets

The sun was shining and a gentle breeze blowing as members, friends and special guests of Union Church in Churchville worshipped on the bank of Black Creek on July 16. Members and friends were encouraged to bring their pets or a picture of their pet to the service that morning.

This first Blessing of the Pets service was celebrated with music on the theme and a message about God's creation and command to take care of all creatures of the earth. Special music was written and performed by the Valvano family including their schnauzer Sadie who barked in appropriate places in the song. Everyone's voices joined together in songs about nature and the saving of animals in the great flood.

The highlight of the service was a blessing of the animals. After Pastor Konrad VanDer Beck-Emmert's message about the creation of the Earth and all living creatures, he blessed individual pets. Members and friends brought their pets, pictures, or just the names of their pets to Pastor Konrad who prayed for their health, happiness and good life. Twelve dogs, ranging from pugs to shepards to mutts, came forward to receive the blessing, as well as one cat and two guinea pigs in a box. Each owner received a certificate of blessing.

July 30, 2006