RWC's Division of Nursing hosts
international healthcare expert

Anne Boykin, Ph.D., R.N. is recognized internationally and nationally for her scholarship in caring. Dr. Boykin has been at the forefront of leadership in the International Association for Human Caring for a number of years, having served as president of the organization from 1993 through 1996 and co-editor of the International Journal for Human Caring from 1997 through 1999. Dr. Boykin continues to serve the profession of nursing in various roles at international, national, regional, state and local levels.

Boykin will speak on "Nursing Education Grounded in Caring" at a luncheon from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the Family Life Center of Pearce Memorial Church, adjacent to the Roberts campus, 2301 Westside Drive, Chili. Boykin will also give an afternoon lecture, "Application of Nursing as Caring in the Practice," from 2 to 4 p.m., in Parmerter Hall of Pearce Memorial Church.

Dr. Boykins has authorized Living a Caring-Based Program and co-authored Nursing as Caring: A Model for Transforming Practice with Savina O. Shoenhofer, Ph.D. Dr. Boykin has also authored numerous book chapters and articles focused on caring, spirituality, nursing as a discipline, and story as method for the study of nursing.

Some of Boykin's books will be for sale, and she will be signing books. The cost of the event is $50. Reservations are necessary and can be made at 585-594-6330.

March 4, 2007