Sweden Seniors programs
Senior Day at the Lilac Festival Wednesday, May 16. Transportation will be provided through efforts of Assemblyman Bill Reilich. Seniors can choose their own lunch from one of the many vendors at their own expense. The group leaves the Sweden Senior Center, 133 State Street, at 10 a.m. and returns at 1:30 p.m.
The Eye Openers low vision group meets Thursday, May 17 at 10:30 a.m. Sharon Schwalm from ABVI will talk about labeling items and matching clothes for those who are visually impaired. There will be a brief discussion on how to access services from the Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
A Spaghetti Dinner will be held on May 23, at 5 p.m. Entertainment will be provided by the Fox Den beginning at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $5.95 with reservation required by Thursday, May 10.
Call 637-8161 for details on any of the above activities.