New logo chosen for Hilton Apple Fest

The Hilton Apple Fest Board of Directors has selected the 2007 logo from the over 100 designs that were submitted. The winner of the design is Bobbie Prince, an artiest from Spencerport. This logo will be used on souvenirs including sweatshirts and tee shirts. One of the designs by Ryan Luce of Hamlin was selected to be placed on children's tee shirts this year.

The 2007 Board of Directors has formed and elected officers for the year. Dave McCracken is the chairperson. Vice chairperson are Pat Clark, Faye Cole, Joe Lee, Terry Quetschenbach and Linda Viney. Bill Shirtz is the secretary and Linda Viney is the treasurer. Other board members are Kathy Bjornholm, Rick Bjornholm, Pam Kaminski, Debbie McCracken, John Sage and Harriet Zunno.

Since the Apple Fest depends on volunteers there are always opportunities for people to be involved. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact the Apple Fest office at 392-7773 and leave a message, check the web site at or come to a meeting. This year the Apple Fest meetings are being held the fourth Tuesday of each month in the Apple Fest office in the Community Center, 59 Henry Street, Hilton. Volunteer opportunities range from a few hours the weekend of the festival to working all year on a committee.

May 20, 2007