Calendar of historic barns on sale
The 2008 Hilton-Parma Historic Barn Calendar is available at the Hilton Big M, Ben Franklin, and the office of the village historian in the Hilton Community Center, 59 Henry Street, Hilton. The Historian's office is open Tuesday and Thursday 1 to 4:15 p.m. The price is $15.
The proceeds for the calendar will be used for continuing the work of preserving the history of fast-disappearing structures.
The first printing of the 2008 calendar, sold at the recent Apple Fest, has been recalled because of a number of errors in the calendar dating. Anyone who bought the calendar at the Hilton Apple Fest should bring the original calendar to the Historian's office for exchange. Call Mary Townsend historian 392-4144, extension 108 or at 392-9444 for information.