2015 HOBY participants named

Hugh O’Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Seminars provide sophomore students the opportunity to meet many leaders of the community from various sectors such as business, technology, education, government, arts, and science. Through intense but informal panel discussions, HOBY participants get a realistic look at their nation, its people and their own role in the world community.
This year, Clare Fraser, daughter of Mary and Edward Fraser, was selected as the Byron-Bergen High School “HOBY Ambassador,” with Adam Walter, son of Terri and Philip Walter, selected as alternate. Clare and Adam, together with sophomores around the country, are selected based on a variety of criteria such as leadership ability, sensitivity to others, communication skills, community service, etc. Clare will attend the seminar June 5-7 at the University of Rochester. The funding for Clare to attend this program was provided by the Byron-Bergen S.T.E.P. Boosters.