Village Elementary students portray famous people in history

Visitors to the cafeteria at Village Elementary School in Hilton recently had the privilege of meeting the likes of George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Ruby Bridges, Sally Ride, and many more during Renee Robinson’s second grade class Wax Museum at Village Elementary School. The preparation began two months ago when the students were working on a nonfiction unit in which they learn about text features.
“I take the project several steps further in that I have the students conduct research, learn note taking skills, use the computers to find information, etc.,” said Robinson. Then students complete a research packet at school and a poster at home that include pictures, fun facts and a timeline. Each student dresses the part of the person they have chosen to research and presents a speech that includes factual information about their famous person.
“They could choose whomever they wanted to research,” said Robinson. “I believe the people they chose really reflect who they are as a person.”
Aiden Pink chose to portray Abraham Lincoln. “He is the 16th president and made slavery done with,” said Aiden.
Ava Harding said she chose Ruby Bridges when she found a story about her and wanted to learn more. “She was the first African American to attend an all white school in the South,” she said.
Following the Wax Museum, the students wrote reflections about how they felt after their presentation, which helps Robinson to grade their posters. She has been doing the project with her students for the past nine years.
“This is truly my favorite project of the school year,” said Robinson. “I am so happy with the time, dedication and effort that the students put into it.”
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