
Byron-Bergen STEM Lab receives RENY grant to meet the microcosmos

On Thursday, January 30, Maria Hagar, Grant Committee Chairman of the New York State Retired Teachers’ Association Western Zone presented a check for $1,000 to Byron-Bergen STEM Lab teacher Craig Schroth in the presence of Elementary Principal Kristin Loftus and a classroom of fourth-grade students. Schroth’s grant proposal, entitled “Meet the Microcosmos: Enhancing Elementary School Science Learning by Discovering the Unseen World that Surrounds Us,” requested funds to expand student access to microscopes. It received one of five grants awarded.

“About 40 people applied and we gave out five grants for $1,000 each,” said Hagar. Hagar retired 13 years ago and became a member of Retired Educators of New York (RENY). “Our organization gets together because we all loved being teachers and we loved working with kids and we want to give back. We are able to give teachers money to improve or expand their programs.”

Schroth has been with Byron-Bergen for over 20 years but started the STEM Lab in 2014. “When we started the STEM Lab we were using cardboard and masking tape and we’ve expanded to 3D printers and microscopes and getting kids excited about science and technology and engineering at a young age,” said Schroth. “We still do things with cardboard and tape, but we’ve given these kids a lot more opportunities with this program. It’s also an exciting time for new career opportunities in the area using engineers, designers, and advanced manufacturing. A major goal of our STEM Lab is to help students develop confidence, interest, and an appreciation for the STEM fields as they grow older.”

“I am so proud of the program that Mr. Schroth built at the elementary school and grateful we were awarded funds that will help the program thrive even more,” said Loftus.

The school currently has two digital microscopes. The RENY grant will be used to purchase three or four additional digital microscopes for use with kindergarten through fifth grade classes.

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Craig Schroth works with students in the STEM Lab. Photo by Gretchen Spittler.

Byron-Bergen student with digital microscope. Photo by Gretchen Spittler.

Byron-Bergen student with digital microscope. Photo by Gretchen Spittler.

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