Hilton Alumni Association to host 2025 Casino Night

The public is invited to the third annual Hilton Alumni Association Casino Night on Saturday, April 5, from 7 to 11 p.m. at the Hilton Exempts Club, 135 South Avenue, in Hilton. This year’s event will offer additional gaming tables, a $1,000 cash door prize, sponsored by Premium Mortgage, and a meat raffle donated by Pettinari’s Deli.

Advance sale tickets ($40 per person) may be purchased at Foster’s Restaurant, 50 Canning Street, Hilton, or online by scanning the QR code or visiting http://www.
hiltonalumniassociation.org. Tickets, if still available, can also be purchased at the door ($50 per person).Attendees can learn to play popular Las Vegas style games without the risk of gambling losses. Ticket purchase includes the following:
•A cash donation to the HAA’s Grants and Scholarships Fund
•Playing chips to use at the gaming tables
•Mystery Raffle tickets to use after tables close (Everybody wins!)
•The music of The Grove Street Band
•Hors d’oeuvres donated by local restaurants
•Desserts donated by local bakeries.
With no risk of losing cash, attendees can play to learn, play to have fun, and play to win over 100 prizes donated by local businesses and a supportive community.
All members of the public are invited. A cash bar will be available. As always, 100 percent of Casino Night net proceeds benefit the HAA’s Grant and Scholarship programs, so everyone leaves as a generous donor supporting students attending Hilton schools.
Help is needed to make this event a fundraising success. To donate gift baskets, gift certificates, raffle items, etc., contact the Hilton Alumni Association through their website. Event sponsorship, which includes complimentary tickets and on-site advertising throughout the evening, is also available. For information, contact Rick at 585-330-3755.
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