Parma Hilton Historical Society upcoming programs

Parma Hilton Historical Society (PHHS) offers monthly presentations and guest speakers covering a range of topics related to local history or of general interest. These meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Ingham Room at the Hilton Community Center, 59 Henry Street. They are free and open to the public.
On March 10, Rick Huff will give a presentation on “The War of 1812 and Parma Happenings.” Parma was a small pioneer settlement when the War of 1812 began. Huff will discuss how the war impacted this small community.
On April 14, Erica Wanecski will lead a presentation on “State Run Poor Houses in the Rochester Area.” Before the welfare system, poor people had little choice except to go to a poor house. These places were less than ideal places to stay as Wanecski will explain.
Mark your calendars for the Parma Hilton Historical Society Annual Members Banquet, which is scheduled for Monday, May 12, at the Hilton Firemen’s Exempt Hall. While additional details are forthcoming, the guest speaker will be Derrick Pratt, director of the Erie Canal Museum. His presentation, “The Erie Canal Museum: Basics of the Erie Canal,” will help get us ready to celebrate the waterway’s bicentennial. Pratt will include stories of the canal in Rochester and the surrounding area and how it impacted population growth.
For more information on the PHHS and its programs, visit
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