Orleans County leaders attend conferences in Albany and Washington

Orleans County legislative leaders recently attended two major government conferences held in Albany and Washington, DC. The New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) Legislative conference was held in Albany from February 23 through 26. The National Association of Counties (NACO) conference was held in Washington, DC from February 28 to March 4. Both annual conferences bring together elected officials from across New York State and the nation. While there, Orleans County Officials met with state and federal officials to lobby for funding for key County projects.
“I have said this before but there really is no better way to advocate for our residents then to sit down at the table with our federal and state representatives personally,” said Chairwoman Johnson. “It’s important that leaders of all levels of government representing Orleans County have our priorities aligned so we speak with one voice when seeking dollars and pursuing legislation.”
Joining Chairman Johnson at the NACO Washington, DC conference were Legislators s Merle “Skip” Draper and Legislator John Fitzak. Legislator Ed Morgan and County Administrator Jack Welch attended the NYSAC Conference in Albany. Topics of interest at the conferences included homeland security, the Great Lakes, workforce development, economic development, and emergency management.
Orleans County officials spent time on Capitol Hill meeting with key staff from Senator Schumer’s and Senator Gillibrand’s offices. In addition, they met with staff from Congresswoman Tenney’s office. Major topics of discussion were: Orleans specific needs and more funding for the Public Safety Building; dredging; relocation and remodeling to the Genesee Community College Satellite building; the Marine Park Docks repair; and continued expansion of broadband.
“Time was tight, especially in Washington, when we were doing meetings the day of the State of the Union address, but I very much appreciated our federal delegation taking the time to meet with us,” said Orleans County Legislative Chairwoman Lynne Johnson. “I want to thank my legislative colleagues for attending these conferences and advocating on behalf Orleans County residents.”
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