
Can you help solve these mysteries?

webCivil War Photo 1 sepiawebCivil War Photos sepiaI have acquired Carte de Visite photos of two unidentified Brockport  area Civil War soldiers.

The one on the left has written on the back, “Brockport, N.Y.” with no notice of the photographer.

The one on the right has written on the back “Knapp Family Hamlin” and the photographer is W.H. Fuller Brockport, N.Y.

If anyone can identify the soldiers I will be eternally grateful.

Also, I have in press a book that includes the diaries and newspaper articles of Brockport Civil War soldier John Tyler Farnham. His diaries record his writing over 500 letters to family and friends, mostly in the Brockport area. I do not know if any of those letters survive.

Anyone who can help me solve either of those mysteries can contact me at wandrews@frontiernet.net or 727-1748.

Bill Andrews

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