C-C Solar Saints take top prize at solar cooker competition

On April 8, ten teams from high schools around the state competed in the 2016 Alfred State University (ASU) Tech Challenge. The competition focused on designing and building an energy-efficient solar cooker, along with creating a business plan for production and marketing of the device. The winning team, from Churchville-Chili High School, scored 353 out of a possible total 400 with their solar oven, which achieved a baking temperature of over 300 degrees.
The team members include Churchville-Chili sophomores, juniors and seniors: Jamar Bevel, Ericka Considine, Zach Diegart, Adam Dietrich, Skylar Pickard, Brandy Plante, Olivia Tamoutselis and Allison Woeller. The students were guided by Applied Geometry teacher Terry Fillion and Special Education teacher Micah Court, with assistance from Career and Technical teacher Kevin Doty and Instructional Coach Andrea Lynch.
“I am so proud of our students and the 21st century learning that they have experienced,” said Churchville-Chili High School Principal William Geraci. “I know that they will remember this project for a long time!”
The school’s solar challenge project, partially funded by a grant from ASU, integrated geometry, algebra, computer-aided design (CAD), graphics and business curriculum. All team members collaborated closely on research and working prototypes. They analyzed test data and used the results to optimize their final solar cooker, which received high scores for design, construction and operation.
The strong business plan, headed up by student Adam Dietrich, led the competition with the highest scores, in part thanks to creative marketing graphics by Zach Diegart and video advertising by Jamar Bevel (http://bit.ly/1Mu9GP0). From beginning to end, every team member made unique contributions to the project’s ultimate success.
Cooking with the sun is the simplest, safest, most inexpensive way to cook food without consuming fuels. Solar cookers are making a huge international impact on the environment, health and nutrition, and family economics. ASU’s annual Technology Challenge provides an opportunity for high school students to showcase their technology and business skills.
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